Soybean factory in Cuba to improve export to Mexico

Soybean factory in Cuba to improve export to Mexico
Fecha de publicación: 
10 February 2020
Imagen principal: 

The workers and managers of the Soybean Processing Plant, the only one of its kind in Cuba, are faced today with the challenge of increasing product quality and its packaging for export to Mexico.

At the end of the annual analysis of its results, this industry will aim at increasing productive indicators, low in previous years, to provide essential products of the population's diet.

Special attention will be paid to the improvement of the packaging of soy lecithin, which is exported to Mexico, as well as the maintenance of facilities that allow higher industrial yields in the processing of soybeans, mainly in obtaining crude oil.

The debate on the industry process also promoted, as a priority, the fulfillment of labor protection and hygiene regulations, as well as those actions that contribute to the well-being of workers, including the need to increase salaries.

Inaugurated in 2001 by the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, the plant is one of the most important factories in Santiago, east of the country, and soybean, its fundamental raw material, a component of high values for human and animal nutrition.

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