Another World Is Possible, Necessary, Says Lula

Brasilia, Nov 22 (Prensa Latina) Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva affirmed that another world is possible and necessary in a letter sent to the eighth conference of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), which is taking place in Argentina on Thursday.
Cited by the digital portal Brasil 247, in the letter Lula acknowledges that he feels happy because 'at a time when part of Latin America and the world is experiencing the rise of backwardness - of lies, now called Fake News, of political violence, of judicial persecution-, a great event like that one arises to remember again that another world is possible and necessary.'
Finally, the former president, who remains imprisoned for seven months for alleged acts of corruption, thanks the solidarity and regrets 'not being able to be with you physically. But we are today and always together.'
News media claim that some 50,000 delegates from 50 countries will debate at the CLACSO meeting in Buenos Aires, which is holding its penultimate day on Thursday with several topics on the agenda, including the new global geopolitics, peace and the main challenges for the popular movements.
The meeting, with its main axis in the World Forum of Critical Thinking, has become a valuable moment for those who fight for a better world and seek alternatives to neoliberalism and capital.
According to this day's agenda, one of the issues to be addressed will be the so-called legal wars and state of exception in Latin America or the New global geopolitics and its impacts in Latin America and the Caribbean, with the participation of experts from the United States, Argentina or Colombia.
Another of the more than 7,000 panels scheduled for these days will be Climate Change, Environment and Society.
CLACSO, created in 1967, is an international non-governmental institution that brings together 624 research and postgraduate centers in the field of social sciences and humanities in 47 countries.
Political figures of the continent as the former Presidents Cristina Fernandez (Argentina); Dilma Rousseff (Brazil); the Bolivian Vice President, Alvaro Garcia Linera; Nobel Peace Prize winner Adolfo Perez Esquivel and former Colombian President Ernesto Samper, among others, attended this eighth conference.
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