Mental Health and the Internet: A Two-Way Street

Much has already been written and researched about how screen time affects mental health, but a recent study has delved deeper into the impact of online content on emotional states.
Dr. Tali Sharot, a professor of cognitive neuroscience at University College London and director of the Affective Brain Lab, along with Dr. Christopher A. Kelly, a cognitive neuroscience professor at Stanford University specializing in the intersection of psychology and technology, published their findings on this topic in the prestigious journal Nature.
Starting from the premise that humans spend an average of 6.5 hours online daily —much of that time actively seeking information— the authors conducted four in-depth studies analyzing the content consumed by internet users. They concluded that "the information sought reflects and shapes mental states, creating a loop that can perpetuate mental health problems."
This concept can be simplified with an example: negative thoughts often lead to searches for similarly negative information. For instance, individuals experiencing depression are likely to engage with digital content that reinforces their condition.
Thus, a vicious cycle forms: the more negative information people seek, the more depressed they become; and the more depressed they are, the more they search for such content.
The researchers found that this relationship between web-based self-guided browsing and mental health is both causal and bidirectional. This, they assert, has "significant theoretical and practical implications."
The study further examined whether individuals would choose to access less negative information if they were informed about the potential emotional impact of the content. Results showed that "providing people with cues about the emotional value of web pages led them to navigate toward less negative content, improving their mood."
These findings suggest that a simple intervention —providing labels that inform users about the affective properties of web pages in advance— can effectively reduce exposure to negative information and improve mood.
The researchers propose that such a tool could guide individuals to browse the web more mindfully, with the goal of protecting or enhancing their mental health and emotional well-being.
Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Díaz / CubaSí Translation Staff
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