Government of Bolivia seeks structural solutions, president says

The national government of Bolivia is working on the structural solution of the problems as a vision of State policy, said President Luis Arce at the expansion of the Bolivian Workers' Central in Tupiza, Potosí province.
“We have nothing to hide, we don’t lie, we don’t steal, we don’t run away. We only work for the Bolivian people,” said the president during his speech before the attendees to the forum.
The dignitary criticized the attempts by opposition sectors to unsuccessfully involve his family with complaints of corruption, while his administration is focused on solving the problems with a State’s vision, beyond the existing situation with hydrocarbons, for example.
Arce said that in order to solve this problem, the Government is promoting intense exploratory activity that has already resulted in the discovery of the Mayaya Centro X1 well with a potential of 1.7 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of gas, and reported that Bolivian Fiscal Oil Fields (YPFB) executes more than 23 projects with an investment of 363.72 million dollars.
The president commented that, in parallel, work is being done in the biofuels industry with the plant operating in Santa Cruz and the one that will be inaugurated late this year in the city of El Alto. He additionally stated that a hydrogenated vegetable (HVO) oil plant is being built. “We invested money not thinking about the years of our Government, but rather that this will give results in five or seven years, because the people cannot suffer the mistakes of the past (…), my colleagues, we have 28 wells under exploration,” he added.
Arce stressed that the lack of diesel supply and the pressure to generate price increases for the main foodstuffs are part of a single strategy. “There are not two or three problems, it is a single problem, which has been little by little orchestrated and armed so that we enter into a situation of convulsion (…) because we are supposedly incapable of managing and governing,” the president deplored.
The national government of Bolivia criticizes that the opposition in the Plurinational Legislative Assembly has stalled the treatment of international credits valued at more than one billion dollars, prevented to date from benefiting the economy and the population.
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