ACS Cooperation Conference opens in Havana

The 6th International Cooperation Conference of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) opens in Havana on Thursday to promote integration and solidarity among the countries of the region.
The central theme of the two-day event is “The Greater Caribbean united towards economic recovery and sustainable and safe tourism.”
According to Cuba’s Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment Rodrigo Malmierca, its main idea links the Sustainable Development Goals approved by the United Nations, which each country adapted to its medium-term development plans.
Malmierca commented on a national TV program, that the Conference receives representations from the 25 ACS member countries and observer nations.
Ministers, foreign ministers, and leaders of international organizations such as the Ibero-American General Secretariat, the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System, and the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-People’s Trade Treaty, also take part in the event, he said.
From his perspective, “the meeting allows us to agree on positions and attract the developed world, observer countries, and international organizations that may participate in donations and cooperation projects in the region”.
The Association of Caribbean States is an organization for consultation, cooperation, and concerted actions in trade, transport, sustainable tourism, and natural disasters in the Greater Caribbean.
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