Cuba, Terrorist State?


Cuba, Terrorist State?
Fecha de publicación: 
27 May 2024

Only a few days ago a Court judge for the Columbia district in the U.S. acquitted Alexander Alazo Baró of the four charges against him, as a result of the terrorist attack perpetrated against the Embassy of Cuba in the United States occurred in the early hours of April 30, 2020.

Shameful circus set up concerned spokesmen of the Miami mafia and legislators of unfortunate Cuban origin for the decision of government entities of loosening a little, just a little, the naming of Cuba as a sponsoring terrorism country, which had its tragicomic epilogue when at the end of an intervention nothing moderate, with a nosy and incoherent voice Otto Reid, former head of the State Department, said that "everyone knows that Cuba is a terrorist country," nodded by those who interviewed him for the La Voz de las Americas.

USA excludes Cuba from the list of countries that don’t cooperate on antiterrorist efforts.

The funny thing is that this was preceded by the Cuban-American meeting on agriculture in Havana, which alarmed the Miami-headed opposition, fearing that Biden would loosen up the ropes that make the criminal blockade kept against the island for more than 60 years against Cuba by the USA even harsher.

Sometimes one tries not to repeat examples of how the United States, with all the presidents in power since the beginning of the revolution, have contributed to a policy of true terror against our people, condemned by the UN General Assembly year after year , but nothing happens.

The current White House POTUS breached the promises made three times to eliminate hundreds of Trump measures to strengthen the blockade, which aggravates the way of living of Cubans, after enduring a pandemic and in the midst of a worldwide economic crisis that also affects.

Sometimes Obama is mentioned as the one that best benefited Cuba, by resuming diplomatic relations, but this was made with the attempt to seek a better method to subvert the revolution.
Sometimes we refer to such or such American president with a certain benevolent look at Cuba but, unfortunately, there’s not one to keep on considering Cuba as a threat to the national security of the United States, which will require a greater explanation at another time.

This was indicated by the current vice president Kamala Harris, a mixture of black and Asian, when she referred to the matter, adding that to lift the blockade we had to be supported by the Cuban community (opposition in Miami ) based in Florida.

Going a Bit Further

The US government included Cuba in 1982 in the list of terrorist countries under the accusation that it offered safe refuge to members of the ETA separatist group and Guerrillas from the Colombian FARC. It also accused Cuba of providing political asylum to US criminals with criminal and terrorist positions. In 2006, the State Department added that Cuba opposed the war against terrorism directed by the US and did not make any attempt to "track, block or confess terrorist assets."

Over the years these accusations lost strength as well as Latin American dictatorships were overthrown and the left groups began to replace bullets with elections. In Colombia, Cuba became an appreciated international recognition mediator and the headquarters of the peace talks, which today are reinstated with other protagonists. Despite the accusations of the United States after September 11 attacks, Fidel harshly condemned terrorist acts, he refused to take refuge to people sought by terrorism and signed all anti -terrorist agreements sanctioned by the UN.

In his report on terrorism of 2013, the State Department admitted that Cuba's links with ETA had distanced themselves and that this has been the headquarters of the negotiations between the Colombian government and the rebels of the FARC. It also mentioned that there was no evidence that the Cuban government " supply armament or paramilitary training to terrorist groups."

At that time, as now, many people in the world saw very strange that Cuba were on the terrorist list, since it’s better known for exporting doctors, musicians, teachers, artists and dancers -not terrorists.

Hinderance and Injustice

Although now the inclusion of Cuba has been "relieved" in the American list of countries considered terrorists, these are both and other snags for any negotiation despite the Cuban peace policy.

And, in reality, it’s the American governments who have supported terrorist acts against Cuba, giving refuge to real criminals who are treated with deference and have led a long life without any accusation disturbing their consciences, despite the crimes committed , as is the case of the late Luis Posada Carriles, convicted in absence for the sabotage of flight 455 of Cubana de Aviacion in which 73 people were killed.

The inclusion of Cuba in the terrorist list - which still remains to write these lines - adds an extra load to the economic restrictions associated with the blockade, especially in the banking sector:

Every bank that supports some financial transaction with Cuba is subject to tedious investigation, being admonished with not insignificant fines. Most foreign banks, even with legal transactions with Cuba, decide not to take risks.

This is how the main terrorist state in the world hurts.

Translated by Amilkal Labañino / CubaSí Translation Staff

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