United States: Detention Centers for Migrant Children?

Although hard to understand those facilities have worked for years.
The tragedy was described this Tuesday by a New Herald reporter, Monique O. Madam.
She wrote that three congress members from Florida asked to investigate a contract not submitted to examination for an amount of 341 million dollars.
It was granted to the company that runs a detention center for migrant children with headquarters in the Florida city of Homestead.
When did this happen? Under the authority of a Donald Trump’s man, the retired General John Kelly.
The latter defended and helped to implement the politics of separating minors from their parents after arriving to the frontier of the United States.
Those who oppose that have said that he should not be helping to control a company benefitted by that disposition.
Although the Homestead center is, mainly, for minors who arrived alone to the United States, they have been incarcerated in the place.
This Monday, in a letter to the Department of Health the democratic congress members, Donna Shalala, Debbie Wasserman, and Debbie Mucarsel, demanded to investigate how the treaty was granted.
“It’s disturbing that a critical contract is granted without an open tender procedure with the appropriate authorizations.
We respectfully request that your office carries out an audit on the recruiting process”, said the letter.
It adds: “we wish to ask you to clarify John Kelly’s participation and influence in this process.”
The aforementioned congress members were concerned that the participation of the General in the Administration increased the number of minors in the facility.
Also about the time “those children spend under the custody of the Government.”
The referred piece of writing was published two weeks after the Miami Herald disclosed other agreements tied to the company Comprehensive Health Services, a branch of Caliburn International, belonging to the DC Capital Partners.
The board of such company is integrated by former National Security officials, diplomats and military.
According to sources from the Security and Exchange Commission of the United States, the board receives 100,000 dollars yearly.
That announcement was made a month after John Kelly was seen entering the Homestead detention center in a golf cart.
The Child Welfare Agency of Florida “cannot investigate any allegation of the abuses.”
Maybe for that reason, repressive bodies didn't accept the request of the aforementioned democratic lawgivers. All of this despite a new law that “orders” to authorize that kind of officials.
Crystal clear, the incredible presence of variants of concentration camps for migrant minors in North American soil pushes to disguise them at any cost.
Let’s just remember the tragedy of thousands of children during the stampede of Central American citizens, or the daily drama to understand the life of that community.
And who told you they are alive? As the great and unforgettable writer Eduardo Galeano would ask again.
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