Fish in Miami Hand Net: Duke, the Darner

Ivan Duque has expressed again on his taking command that he seeks to be the president who united Colombia, and to this purpose he will repair the wrongs of the previous magistracy, as if a real change of power had occurred. As if the true interests that prevail sympathize with the large number of beggars almost naked and children half dead sleeping outside the gates of millionaires, owners of the true power.
Although he has had to soften the style of his speech, his intention of changing what could had been a historical peace agreement between the former government and the Revolutionary Armed forces of Colombia, to please military bosses who were opposed to some of its terms has not wavered. I don't know why so much anger, when the event actually disarmed a guerrilla of more-than-half-century old, limit it to areas where military forces don't obstruct and collaborate with paramilitary forces that commit atrocities and kill former guerillas fighters and social leaders with impunity.
He says he will amend mistakes of the previous administration, but the truth is that in the way he seeks to govern in today’s Colombia is like darning or poorly patching the holes that will survive and will get even bigger over time.
Remember, the gathering of right-wing forces, including the supposed presidential enemy, Juan Manuel Santos, rendered unnecessary the usual stealing of votes to give him a historical voting of more than ten millions for a second round, although it was also suggestive that the left-wing supported Gustavo Petro with eight millions. Petro is at present concentrated on a national march to keep alive the peace agreement half-torn by the extreme right.
Honestly, there’s a part of Colombia where social issues are minors, there are huge profits from commercial resources that range from emeralds to flowers, passing through millionaire incomes from the seven bases granted to the United States and the growing drug trafficking that enriches large state owners and provides private armies mainly ran by gangsters who operate within North American territory.
Perhaps we still have on sight that wonderful Colombia seen at the Games of Barranquilla, with its hospitality and good treatment, with an excellent performance exhibit by the host country, only overcome by the final effort of Cubans and the surprising performance of Mexicans.
Duque, whom I believed, I confess, poor speaker, knows how to address the people who he convinces regrettably in many aspects, like when he said that he will govern without the Uribe’s shadow – as he is accused with justice - and will adopt an independent style.
But where he first celebrated his victory, next to Uribe, he was in Miami, next to Cuban and Venezuelan opposition, he promised them that he won't tolerate "a dictatorship in Venezuela", before that the now former leader Santos announced that Maduro’s days were numbered, apparently knowing the killing attempt on the Venezuelan President, where drones and organized mercenaries were used in Colombian territory.
From darner Duque there will more to write about, and let’s not find it weird that despite the cares of the Empire, he falls through one of those holes impossible to stitch.
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