'We Consolidated Peace in Venezuela in 2022', President Maduro

"We will be firmly and courageously striving for the construction of another world where we can live together in peace," he stressed.
During an interview with the Spanish journalist Ignacio Ramonet on Sunday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro took stock of the political, economic and international situation of his country during 2022.
RELATED: Venezuela: Non-Existent Figure of Interim Government Eliminated
"Last year, we consolidated the climate of harmony, peace, and coexistence that Venezuela enjoys today," he said, recalling that his administration also took the necessary steps to recover Venezuelan assets seized abroad.
"In 2022, we stimulated the dialogue with the opposition through agreements... We are always willing to talk with all sectors. Dialogue is the key to peace and coexistence in the country!," the Bolivarian leader pointed out.
On the failure of the coup attempts, Maduro explained that institutional destabilization was not possible in his country because "the claim to impose parallel governments and powers in Venezuela was not based on reality."
The Venezuelan president then recalled that some opposition groups imagined that they could arbitrarily decree the existence of their "government" with the support of the United States and its allied governments in Europe and Latin America.
"They did not understand Venezuela. They did not understand Venezuela’s republican institutional strength. They do not understand the popular strength of the Bolivarian revolution," Maduro emphasized.
The president of the National Assembly of Venezuela @jorgepsuv attended today’s inauguration ceremony in Brasilia.
pic.twitter.com/tIY7BG2LsF— Kawsachun News (@KawsachunNews) January 2, 2023
The consolidation of another productive model
The Venezuelan President recalled that the food supply in his country previously depended on up to 85 percent of imports. Currently, however, Venezuela produces 94 percent of the food required by households, which means "an agricultural miracle".
Referring to the economic reactivation, Maduro also highlighted the opportunities opened up for foreign direct investment in a country that enjoys political and social stability.
"I send a message to all energy companies: in Venezuela, we have the largest certified oil reserves and we are certifying the world's fourth largest gas reserve. Venezuela is an energy power. Nobody will be able to take us out of the global energy equation," he said, stressing that his nation is a founder of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).
“The vote was a blow to the United States, which had steadfastly backed Mr. Guaidó.”
When will the US govt return the billions in assets that it stole from the Venezuelan people? They can start by returning Venezuela’s embassy in DC.https://t.co/u2OneQvOkc
— Manolo De Los Santos (@manolo_realengo) December 30, 2022
Building a multipolar world
In relation to international politics, Maduro recalled that his administration has always advocated the construction of a multicentric world order where various poles of power can coexist in different regions of the world.
"The 20th century neocolonialism has to be left behind definitively. Nobody can believe that two or three metropolises can rule the world and subdue all the peoples. Now there are very strong regions such as those of Asia, the Pacific, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. We are blocs of countries that are becoming poles of world power," he said.
"It is time for a new geopolitics that redistributes power in the world. We are witnessing the beginning of a new era," Maduro stressed, adding that Venezuela will be at the forefront of contemporary geopolitical processes.
"Without a doubt, we will be there firmly and courageously striving for the construction of another world where we can live together in peace and where the peoples can overcome the remnants of centuries of colonialism and neocolonialism."
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