Venezuela: Blockade keeps Cuba from deploying its productive forces

The Venezuela-Cuba Mutual Friendship and Solidarity Movement denounced that the United States blockade against the island country prevents it from deploying its productive forces as a guarantee of the economic and social development of the Cuban people.
“This genocidal policy has been one of the main elements of the deterioration of the industrial infrastructure and the National Electric System,” the group said in a statement, and affirmed that the Cuban people face a new aggression as a consequence of the blockade, as well as Cuba’s inclusion of countries that allegedly sponsor terrorism.
The movement expressed that “the haters who bet on the collapse of the Revolution of the humble, by the humble and for the humble, will once again feel the contempt and the forceful and dignified response of an entire nation, against those who impose unreasons, hatred and resentment on society. For decades, Cuba has been the beacon that has illuminated the path of redemption and self-determination for the peoples of the world,” it stressed.
“From the National Movement of Friendship and Mutual Solidarity Venezuela-Cuba, we are certain that the hardened people of (José) Martí and Fidel (Castro), will know how to overcome all challenges. The historical enemies of the Revolution are trying to cut short the genuine aspirations of the noble Cuban society,” said the group, pointing out that “we are already seeing it with the timely action of the Cuban government that is gradually restoring the electric service.”
“There will be no blackout that may defeat the creative resistance of a heroic country who persists in its effort to build a society at the service of the just causes of humanity,” it said, and asserted that Cubans will overcome, as the Venezuelan people did in 2019 before the electrical sabotage, and assured that they will honorably overcome every attack, ”because dedication, creativity and innovation stand up to plans against our peoples.”
The note stated that “there will always be a light of hope that illuminates the path of love and solidarity of the peoples of the world towards Cuba, and with Martí we say: “Whoever rises with Cuba, rises for all times.”
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