Reytel Oro Top Performance in Renacer: César Finds Himself

If a character stirs mixed feelings in us these days in the soap opera Renacer, it’s César Enrique. We wait so long to witness his beautiful romance with Gía and it turns out that another complicated love has “upset” the focused, stable and family-oriented young man that the plot had announced to us.
Nobody knows how his story will end up. The only clue that we managed to get from the actor Reytel Oro, who impersonates this controversial character, was the following: “César gets to find himself”.
We spoke with Reytel about his involvement in Renacer.
How did you get to be part of the cast of Renacer?
“Through a casting. Reinaldo Castaneda called me and told me that they were interested in me participating and so it was… well, I got the role.”
César was one of the great expectations at the beginning of the soap opera (while Gía was waiting for him), when he arrived, he seemed like a fairly decipherable character, however, along the way he has shown nuances and contradictions. Who is César, how would you describe him?
“He is a young graduate in Economics who traveled to Spain to pass a Master Degree Course. When he returns he feels that his feelings for Gía (his fiancée) have changed a little, who has waited for him for almost 2 years. Perhaps because of the time they were apart or simply because his philosophy of life has changed, he does not feel comfortable with that relationship, this brings problems in the romantic relationship. His mother also interferes, she is possessive and wants to manipulate the decisions her sons and daughters-in-law take, specifically in the matter of where they are going to live. Because he wants to please his mother, his decisions only worsen the problems with his girlfriend. All this leaves Cesar in a very bad position, who went from being a person who had everything very well planned in his life, who has a girlfriend who is nice, well-educated, with plans to live together. Cesar went from all this to being out of control, to behaving like an immature person, to arguing with Gia. He does not want to lose the comforts he has at home, he does not want to get away from his parents, it’s quite difficult for him to make a decision. He is not sure about anything, he is immature, possessive, a little sexist. He marries out of commitment to the families and the relationship does not work. He falls in love with Aitana. He supports her as a friend (here his noble spirit surfaces), but his love is not reciprocated and that makes him lose control even more and spawns other family problems. In his love life he is not very assertive, but he is a good son and supports the people he loves, like his cousin.”
What reactions have you received from the public?
“The reaction of the public is exactly proportional to César’s misadventures. On social media they have been very hard on him, but in everyday life people have been very kind and affectionate with me. I appreciate their patience and kindness.”
What points of contact do César and Reytel share?
“The points of contact are his familiarity, his desire to help friends, the love he feels for his brother, the love and respect he feels for his parents. In reality there are not many points of contact.”
You have done some work in television, theatre and cinema. Which of these media do you prefer?
“I like all media, each one has its technique and a specific way of assuming them. Television has given me visibility, people know me, greet me and make me feel happy about the vocation I decided to take on. Theatre is explosive, each performance is unique and there’s no turning back. The characters and emotions flow and culminate with each performance. The applause is a great gift. Cinema, cinema fascinates me, a brotherhood is created between all of us who make up the team. It has allowed me to get to know myself as an actor, to find unsuspected paths in my technique and acting philosophy.
“But all the media together have given me something unique and invaluable, to meet many people, actors and media professionals whose work I have valued very much and for the moment to be with them creating something, also with young colleagues. That’s a great experience.”
What would be Reytel Oro's dream character?
“The stories themselves... each one has a starting point and becomes interesting. But if I have to choose, I like historical characters, great warriors, seductive and ambiguous characters like Dracula, earthly characters in search of happiness. Characters that make me think and train myself.”
Translated by Amilkal Labañino / CubaSí Translation Staff
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