Newly Set up Companies Employ over 100 Thousand Cubans

Havana, Aug 4 (ACN) The recently set up micro, small, medium companies and cooperatives employ 109 thousand 237 Cuban citizens, including 7 thousand 890 owners or partners, along 101 thousand 347 employees, according to official estimates.
The figures correspond to the first nine months after the companies were created, that is between September 2021 and June this year.
According to the Economy and Planning Ministry the largest number of hired workers are in the construction sector, followed by cargo and passenger transportation and manufacture. Meanwhile, the smallest labor is found in the area of electronic repairs and I.T.
According to the information, the micro, small and medium companies are usually managed by more than one partner, 53 percent are owned by one person and 25 percent have two partners.
As to sex, 76.7 percent of all managers are men, while 23.3 percent are women, all with ages between 18 and 35 years.
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