Cuba launches book Conversando sobre Fidel (Talking about Fidel)

Castro Ruz Center in Havana was the venue today for the presentation of the book Conversando sobre Fidel, by journalist Dayan Gonzalez Ramirez.
The text, published by Casa Editorial Verde Olivo, compiles testimonies and anecdotes of various Cuban personalities.
In declarations to Prensa Latina, the author explained that the purpose of the text is to keep alive the legacy of the historic leader of the Revolution to the new generations through first-hand testimonies of people who had links with Fidel.
GonzAlez Ramirez works as a journalist for the Internet channel Videos Cuba Hoy, devoted to broadcasting news about the Cuban reality.
The virtual edition can be found at
The activity is part of the Fidel Castro Ruz Center’s day of tributes for the 66th anniversary of the triumph of the Revolution.
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