Films from Cuba, Mexico and Argentina to Compete in San Sebastian

Among those selected for the contest are El Enemigo (the enemy), by Ademar Matias, of the International School of Film and Television (EICTV of Cuba), filmed in the context of the campaign against the dengue transmitter mosquito, in Havana.
Also, Las Aves miran hacia el Norte (The birds look north), by Pepe Gutiérrez, of the University Center for Film Studies CUEC-UNAM (Mexico), which addresses the issue of illegal migration to the United States.
The third Latin American film in competition is Nueva Vida (New Life), by Kiro Russo of the Cinema University (Argentina), presented as a story of mystery, anxieties and dreams.
The event, organized by the Film Festival of San Sebastian and cultural center Tabakalera includes films made in Romania, Spain, Belgium, United Kingdom, Israel, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Netherlands and Germany.
Francesa (French), by Sebastian Palominos, of the School of Communication DuocUC (Chile), which tells the story of a transsexual who breaks with his partner, is presented out of competition.
The pre-selection includes 193 short films from 89 schools in 35 countries, among them 11 from Latin America: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay and Venezuela.
Among the prizes to be awarded, the Jury will determine the names of three directors who will have the opportunity to participate with their works in the Short Film Corner at the next Cannes Film Festival.
The selected short films will be presented to the public and guests of the Festival of San Sebatián from September 22 to 25 at Tabakalera, International Contemporary Culture Centre specialized in visual culture, located in an old tobacco factory.
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