Venezuela: To Face Chaos "Made in the U.S."


Venezuela: To Face Chaos "Made in the U.S."
Fecha de publicación: 
31 August 2018
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In this bunch of promoted actions, organized, sponsored, and paid by imperialism to destabilize and sink Nicolás Maduro's government. Good news are looming like the capture and knowing of many of those involved in failed assassination attempt on Venezuela’s President, the installation of the announced measures to defeat the economic war started by the U.S. and its allies from the national oligarchy and, in this panorama, the strengthening of the currencies that have begun to circulate in the country, with the purpose of containing the inflation and it will keep social programs and the subsidy of gas prices.

About this point it’s important to highlight the announcement that Venezuela will sell its oil according to the international market prices, keeping in this field the solidary support to the most needed countries in the region.

On top of everything mentioned before, it’s overwhelming the popular support to the president, the wide rejection to the assassination attempt. Also the growing and bigger manifestations of support to the Bolivarian process, showing the strong mind and patriotism of most of the population.

This is extremely important, because only like this will be stopped the U.S. decision of turning Venezuela into chaos, to start a civil war with the purpose of not only put a final end to the Bolivarian Revolution and Chavez followers - that would be their first objective -, but also to destroy the national State to wipe out any form of future resistance.

Belgian intellectual Michel Collon has said something similar referring to the “constructive chaos” applied by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in the Middle East.

To better explain this, the French analyst Thierry Meyssan went back to 2004, when several Pentagon experts explained that, in the future, the U.S. will wage new wars to divide the world in two zones: one stable for him and its allies, and other where there were not a stable government neither development, but chaos, to guarantee that nobody could develop a power that would threaten its world hegemony, what he rounded up saying that "the situation in Venezuela is ready, and when U.S. wishes it, it will begin a war".

It’s not the first time that it’s said, but if we see what happened in Ukraine, Syria and Libya is exactly the same methodology applied today against Venezuela.

It always begins the same, with the indicting the government of committing horrible crimes, then they send to the country special forces, a few snipers deployed on rooftops during a manifestation, with the objective of shooting against both demonstrators and the police, stirring huge confusion. After that each side is convinced that it was the other one that shot him, and that is the beginning of an internal confrontation.

In this way would begin a “symbolic war” that the international media would use to explain that it’s a "revolution" to which the U.S., would give all its support through “non-governmental organizations” and the military bases built in neighboring countries around Venezuela.

Against Libya they used Egypt and Malta; in the case of Syria, almost every bordering States: Turkey, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan and Israel. If they plan to attack Venezuela, undoubtedly they will use a State or several border States of Venezuela, like it’s the case of Colombia, where there are seven military bases controlled by the U.S., and now it’s also spoken of Peru, what is not certain.

Forgive me if I repeat these concepts already written, it’s just to make you never forget, because in the end the U.S., despises all those they send to overthrow governments that are a nuisance to them.

Hence the importance that, in the Venezuelan case, to go all the way to clarify everything around the failed assassination of Nicolas Maduro keep a strong hand and let’s hope this measure are carried fully to try palliate the economic problems.

Many today denounce that the Venezuelan extreme right and their dissociated followers play with fire and, blinded by greed, the irrational hatred and deceit, they don't notice that they are being used by imperialism in a game where everyone loses, but the companies that profit from war and destruction.

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