Washington-Trips to Cuba: "Pigeons" and Hawks

This Thursday two Washington senators, Patrick Leahy (Democrat) and Jeff Flake (Republican) presented a project that eliminates restrictions of North Americans to travel to Cuba.
A New Herald journalist, Nora Gámez Torres, clarified that this is not the first time, because in 2015 they did it with other eight co-sponsors.
Under the name Freedom for North Americans to travel to Cuba Act, a total of 55 members from each party came now.
She recalls that this happens when the policy towards Cuba is revised and those supporting it request Donald Trump:
"President, don't eliminate the chances to travel to the island… "
The head of one of the anti-blockade organizations active in United States, Engage Cuba, James Williams, declared to the press:
"(…) it’s important to show that a majority in both parties in the Senate are behind not only to keep the measures taken by Barack Obama to expand the travels, but even go further and eliminate all restrictions."
Engage Cuba, Nora Gámez Torres remarks, is a trust that seeks to eliminate sanctions against Havana.
If the current bill were to pass, she added, it would be eliminated the restrictions to travel of North Americans and residents to Cuba.
Another similar initiative was presented at the House of Representatives with fewer sponsors.
What’s their main purpose? To defend before the White House the benefits of the approach politics to Cuba.
Obama increased to twelve the categories of travelers authorized to travel, but the decision of final elimination demands a decision from the Capitol.
Only with Obama’s regulations facilitated the arrival in Cuban, in comparison to 2016, 118% more of North Americans.
"The banning of traveling is not justified neither in our national security of for our economic interests", declared Senator Leahy.
However, the journalist said those supporting the approach begun by Obama fear that the trips to Cuba are "in danger."
What’s the reason? That two far-right wing men and fierce enemies of these changes, the republican congress members Marco Rubio and Mario Díaz-Balart who have a leading role in the process."
"Acknowledging the inherent right of North Americans to travel to Cuba is an expression of freedom", Flake considered.
The latter, faithful to his ideology, could not hide the true intention of the "pigeons" that come face to face against the hawks of Miami and the Congress of Washington.
Senator Flake argued that the elimination of the banning to travel to Cuba can smooth the way to a significant change by increasing the daily contact between Cubans and North Americans.
"Certainly, he affirmed that will have positive benefits for the growing managerial and private sector of the island", he added.
Another sign in the same direction came from the Cuba Study Group, when supporting the project law highlighted in an official statement:
"The elimination of restrictions would have a significant effect in the life of Cubans, mainly for those who have joined the private sector."
The document goes on:
"Instead of being forced to use the government as intermediary, hundreds of thousands of Cubans who work in independent restaurants, room renting, and a wide range of other professions of services would have direct access to the U.S. currency."
Interesting statements that help create possible scenarios of the current and future politics of Washington towards Cuba.
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