Republican Project will Affect Trump Voters, Warns Daily

Voters who led President Donald Trump to victory will be among the most affected by the Republican legislative project to substitute the Obamacarte, according to a study published by Los Angeles Times.
The daily made an analysis of votes per county and data of fiscal credits, which showed that US citizens with lowest incomne and elderly people living in conservative rural areas of the country will lose much with the proposed sanitary law.
The initiative circulated in the House of Representatives will affect persons over 60 years with annual incomes of 30 thousand dollars.
According to the publication, in almost 1500 counties in the country -of which 90 percent supported Trump- a citizen with those characteristics can spwend over six thousand dollars a year in subsidies of Federal insurances.
Of the 70 counties wherwe consumers will suffer the mnost, 68 voted for the Republican president, added the paper, according to which the worst consequences will be seen in Alaska, Arizona, Nebraska, Tennessee and Oklahoma.
In those states the Law of Caring Accessible Health of the Obama administration was crucial to guarantee medical coverage to a great amount of persons.
There will also be negative effects for residents of the territories called pendular that in the last elections favored the present head of State, including Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Michigan.
Meanwhile, U.S. youths of high income, many of which live in urban areas won by Democrat Hillary Clinton, can obtain more assistance in the Republican legislature.
In general, the persons who will be in better conditions with that proposal will be the richest residents of the nation, who will see a substantial cut in taxes with the elimination of taxes applied at present.
Such taxes are charged to individuals earning over 200 thousand dollars a year and couples that receive over 250 thousand and who applied for the Obamacare to help compensate the cost of helping U.S. citizens of low incomes, recalled the newspaper.
According to the Los Angeles Times, the disproportionate impact of the Republican plan threatens to undermine the promise of Trump to replace the present health care law with a legislation which would assist all U.S. citizens.
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