Venezuela’s first VP warns former presidents from coming in

The first vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, Diosdado Cabello, warned former Latin American presidents that if they try to enter the country without permission they will be arrested and prosecuted by the courts.
“How come they are going to enter a country where no one has invited them,” said the political leader last night before thousands of workers, collectives, militiamen, social movements, parties of the Great Patriotic Pole, military personnel and foreign guests.
Carello reaffirmed that they will not enter Venezuela for one reason: “because we do not feel like it, this is a sovereign, independent country and if they want to come we are waiting for them with great pleasure.”
On Tuesday, the National Assembly declared nine former Latin American presidents who said they were coming to Caracas for the inauguration of President Nicolás Maduro as personae non gratae, to wit: Andrés Pastrana (Colombia), Mario Abdo Benítez (Paraguay), Vicente Fox (Mexico), Felipe Calderón (Mexico), Mireya Moscoso (Panama), Ernesto Pérez Valladares (Panama), Jorge Quiroga (Bolivia), Jorge Jamil Mahuad (Ecuador) and Laura Chinchilla (Costa Rica).
Cabello announced that yesterday they captured “a heavyweight from the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States and another gringo, along with two Colombians and three Ukrainians with their phones, where they had part of the plans” to execute.
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