Death of Celia Guevara, Che’s sister, mourned in Argentina

The death of Celia Guevara (1929-2023), architect and sister of the guerrilla and revolutionary Ernesto Guevara (1928-1967), was mourned today by Argentine and Latin American organizations.
The Mario J. Buschiazzo Institute of American Art and Aesthetic Research of the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of the University of Buenos Aires, through its profile on Twitter, expressed its regret over the death, at the age of 93, of Celia Guevara, who was a senior researcher at that institution.
She was also a specialist in developing countries and director of several projects.
Also, the Latin American and Caribbean Continental Network of Solidarity with Cuba and Just Causes, expressed its deep sorrow for her physical departure and sent sincere condolences to her family and relatives.
Vanina Biasi, member of Congress for the Left and Workers Front-Unity, highlighted Celia’s trajectory, “a woman committed to education and always on the right side of life: the side of the fighters”.
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