Cuba, the only Latin American country to Guarantee Shared Parenting

Cuba, the only Latin American country to Guarantee Shared Parenting
Fecha de publicación: 
3 September 2019
Imagen principal: 

Cuba is one of 15 countries in the world and the only one in Latin America to guarantee basic policies for shared parenting, including paid paternity leave.

According to the United Nations (UN), the island also provides free day care, so that mothers can have a normal working life, and six months of paid maternity leave, to facilitate breastfeeding.

Normally, maternity leave is given to women a few months before childbirth and after the birth of the baby; however, there are other important points that the laws of many countries do not take into consideration, recalled the Cubainformacion website.

In an interview published by that source, Juan Carlos, a Cuban father, explained that teamwork is necessary for the family to function, which means sharing tasks and responsibilities.

'There are things we can't share, like the discomfort or the physical weight of pregnancy, but I can be there for her (María, mother of his son, Oliver), so that we can learn together and share this journey,' he remarked.

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