Apropos of masks

Apropos of masks
Fecha de publicación: 
7 August 2023
Imagen principal: 

This picture is not new for those who routinely walk through the streets of various Chinese cities. Sun masks are no longer something new for most of citizens of this Asian country.

The health benefits seem to be obvious, considering the extraordinary impact of the sun's rays on the sensitive skin of the face. The materials with which these masks are made of, which leave only openings for the eyes, nose and mouth, are supposed to be absolutely safe.

Aesthetics is another matter. Face masks in pandemic times set a trend. Now, creativity will certainly play a role here by giving very interesting possibilities to less graceful people, according to the canons of beauty.

And public safety is paramount as well. With these masks, anyone could certainly rob a bank. It would be very hard to draw an identikit.

Let’s wait and see. Let’s see how the Asian fashion finally evolves.

Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Díaz / CubaSí Translation Staff

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