Colombian Congress to Discuss Amnesty Law, Key for FARC-EP

Bogota, Dec 19 (Prensa Latina) The Colombian Congress will today discuss the amnesty law linked with the peace process between the Government and FARC-EP insurgents.
The discussions will be shorter than usual after the Constitutional Court authorized the use of a fast track mechanism.
The amnesty law will give a legal pardon to members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia People's Army (FARC-EP), who did not commit serious crimes in the context of the internal conflict.
According to analysts, its approval would be a stimulus for other core processes such as the disarmament of members of the guerrilla group, the largest in the country.
On November 24th, President Juan Manuel Santos and the leader of FARC-EP, Timoleón Jiménez, signed a conclusive peace agreement after nearly four years of talks in Cuba.
In the coming days, the Colombian parliament will examine other initiatives such as one aimed at facilitating the creation of a political party, once the disarmament is over.
The interior minister, Juan Fernando Cristo, has announced that a law will be proposed to ensure the participation of the FARC-EP in the debates planned within the Senate and the House of Representatives with the objective of implementing the consensus signed by Santos and Jiménez.
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