Int'l Seminar in Brazil to Make Amends for Lula and Dilma

Brasilia, Sep 23 (Prensa Latina) The 11th International Seminar of Struggle aganst Neoliberalism organized by newspaper Inverta, will close with a ceremony to make amends for expresidents of Brazil Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff, announced its organizers.
The venue, which will have the presence of guests from Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela, China and the People's Democratic Republic of Korea, will be held next Saturday at the High Institute of Education of Rio de Janeiro.
Two tables of analysis and debate are in the program of the meeting. The first on 'The 2016 Coup in Brazil: international and national aspects', and the second will center its attention on the resistance to the parliamentary-judiciary coup that cut the mandate of Rousseff, elected for over 54 million Brazilians to govern until 2018.
The seminar will commemorate 25 years of Inverta's foundation, organ of the Communist Marxist-Leninist Party (PCML) of Brazil, which occurred on September 20, 1991.
The editor in chief and founder, Aluisio Pampolha, said the paper was created by popular organizations, neighbor associations, movemernts of rural workers, tradeunionists and intellectuals that form the Center of Popular Education and Economic and Social Research (Ceppes).
Among the attendants to the Seminar will be exministers of Justice
Eugenio Aragao, Science and Technology, Roberto Amaral; the former ambassador of Brazi8l before the Union of South American Nations (Unasur) Samuel Pinheiro Guimaraes, and Vitor Guimaraes, of the Movement of Roofless Workers (MTST) / Front Fearless People.
Also participants of the Movement of Rural Landless Workers (MST), the Front Brazil Popular, the Union of Negroes for Equality, the People's Levante of Youth, the Central of Workers of Brazil (CTB), The Single Central of Workers (CUT) and the Oilmen Trade Union of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Sindipetro RJ), among others.
The guest list also includes the Movement of Struggle against Neoliberalism and for Socialism, the Network of People's Women and Men Doctors, the group Casa de las Americas of Nova Frigurg, the Cultural Institute Karl Marx, the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, the Workers' Party (PT) and the Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB), to only mention some.
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