UN in Colombia highlights Cuba’s role as peace guarantor

Bogotá, Oct 3 (Prensa Latina) The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General in Colombia, Carlos Ruiz Massieu, today highlighted Cuba's role as guarantor of the dialogues between the National Liberation Army (ELN) and the Colombian State.
In an exclusive interview with Prensa Latina, Ruiz Massieu, who is head of the Verification Mission of the Peace Agreement, referring to the inclusion of Cuba in the unilateral list of the United States of America of countries sponsoring terrorism for honoring the protocols for the negotiations with the ELN, pointed out that Cuba played a very important role in the peace process.
In addition, he added, ‘it was very firm in its capacity as guarantor, in respecting the protocols established in this type of negotiations and that is very important not only for the Colombian process’.
In May 2020, a few days before the end of Donald Trump’s term, Cuba was included in the questioned list and the then commissioner for peace Miguel Ceballos assured that it was an endorsement from the US government to the Colombian government.
Today, more than one hundred renowned Colombian intellectuals and academics demanded the removal of Cuba from the list, joining the demand of more than 80 congressmen and hundreds of women, among others.
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