Cuba and Colombia to strengthen trade and investment ties

HAVANA, Cuba, Feb 22 (ACN) As part of an official visit to Colombia, Cuban minister of foreign trade and investment, Rodrigo Malmierca, showed representatives of more than 60 companies of the South American country the possibilities of business on the island.
This was reported by Malmierca on Twitter, adding that on Monday he also held working meetings with the minister of trade, industry and tourism, German Umaña; the president of ProColombia, Carmen Caballero; and the director of the national institute for the surveillance of medicines and food (Invima), Francisco Rossi.
Prensa Latina reported that in the forum with businessmen, the Cuban head of delegation highlighted among the areas in which there are good opportunities in the Caribbean nation, that of food production and tourism, the most dynamic and important sector of the economy.
He also commented on the attractions and facilities of the Mariel Special Development Zone, which provides a first-class productive and logistic platform for the establishment of companies whose products and services will be destined for the domestic market or for export.
The businessmen showed interest in the trade of pork, auto parts, homeopathic products, electric motorcycles and bicycles, means of mass transportation, confectionery, among others, and inquired about the financial issue to do business and how to buy biopharmaceutical products from Cuba.
Malmierca recalled that, despite the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States, his country provides a favorable business environment, with a secure and transparent legal body, political, social and legal stability, geographical location in the center of an expanding market, and highly qualified labor force.
Speaking to Prensa Latina about the exchange, Carmen Caballero explained that since last November, with her participation in the Havana International Fair (Fihav), bilateral commitments were created among which stands out the signing of an agreement between Procolombia and Procuba, to strengthen trade and investment ties for both countries.
She pointed out that Procolombia, the government agency in charge of promoting exports, international tourism and foreign investment, will participate in the three upcoming fairs in Cuba: the 39th edition of Fihav; the 17th International Fair ExpoCaribe 2022, and EXPO ALADI 2023, the largest promotional event held by the Latin American Integration Association (Aladi).
The two nations have an Economic Complementation Agreement, in force since July 2001, which covers some 1,500 products with tariff preferences in favor of Colombia and almost 1,000 in favor of Cuba.
From Havana, Colombia and Cuba launched in November 2022 the 12th Joint Economic and Scientific-Technical Commission, which includes 20 initiatives on climate change, gender, inclusion, innovation and risk management.
From January to September 2022, only Colombian exports of total goods to Cuba totaled 21.4 million dollars, of which 18.9 million corresponded to non-mining-energy goods, and the latter class of exports, increased 23.6 %, compared to the same period in 2021.
Among the products sold to the Caribbean country are: vehicles for the transportation of 10 or more people, bags for packaging parenteral solutions, palm oil, wheat flour, polychloride and taps for domestic use.
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