Civil Works on La Herradura Wind Farm are About to Finish

The civil construction of La Herradura 1 wind farm, in the north of the province of Las Tunas, is about to finish, to open the doors, thus, to the installation of 22 wind turbines, when the investment program agreed with the People's Republic of China continues.
Carlos Arias Sobrino, general director of the Electric Company of this eastern territory, explained to the press that only details are missing to declare ready works such as the electrical substation, which will receive the generated energy, and the maintenance and operations center, essentially.
The director recalled that this park, located on the coast of Jesús Menéndez municipality, was designed for 34 wind turbines, but in a first stage 22 will be installed, with the capacity to generate 33 megawatts (MW).
In parallel, in the municipality of Puerto Padre, the third solar photovoltaic park of that municipality is being built, with a power of 5 MW, which together with two others that are exploited in Manatí, will be able to generate 16 MW like this.
With the realization of these two works, the province will generate almost 50 MW with renewable energies, which would mean an advance in the aspirations to cover the demand of the territory and contribute to the National Electric System.
If the projects of Las Tunas Electric Company materialize, which include La Herradura 2 wind farm, also in the municipality of Jesús Menéndez, and the areas located in all municipalities for solar parks, the province will depend less and less on fossil fuels.
In Cuba there is an active wind potential to generate more than 1,100 MW in 21 geographic areas, Pavel Luis Angulo Peña, Technical Director of the Electric Union (UNE), said to Granma Newspaper.
He specified that there are prospects of expanding this type of generation in the short term, with national investments, specifically with a new farm, Río Seco I, in Holguín, which will produce 50 MW.
Angulo Peña commented that other projects with foreign investment are also in preparation, which project the construction of farms from Guantánamo to Camagüey.
Translated by Amilkal Labañino / Cubasi Translation Staff
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