The Benefits about Reading a Book

As it is shown by a new study of the Yale University from the United States, which concluded that the reading habit improves the hope and quality of life.
In that research published by the Social Science and Medicine magazine, it was discovered that there was a direct relation among the people with a longer longevity and those ones with reading habits.
The information was recently delivered and pointed out that after asking more than three thousands and five hundred participants who were over 50 years old about their reading habits, the related data allowed dividing those readers into some groups: the ones who did not read anything and those ones who used to do it over three hours and a half.
The results of that research, which lasted 12 years, proved that those two groups that used to read surpassed two additional years the group that did not do it.
Canadian researches proved that those who ususally read have a wider vocabulary and that help to get to know the words' pronountiation.
Science unveiled the knowledge about reading and we do see that the scientists of the Emory University compared the readers´ brains and the non-readers´ ones in 2015 and they got the conclusion that those ones who keep the reading habit, while using their imagination for understanding and feeling the characters´ emotions are nicest, according to a published article.
Other researchers proved that reading increases the capacity about detecting and understanding other people's emotions that is an essential skill for the complex social relations.
According to the research by Ph.D. Davis Lewis, who is the pioneer in the field of the neurology, reading reduce the stress levels up to a 68 % and it deeply reduces the heart rhythm in comparison with an outdoor walk as it reduces the stress levels up to a 42%.
Researchers, Alice Sulivan and Matt Brown from the Education Institute (OIE), could verify that children who used to read for pleasure achieved much better marks at the school than their classmates even in subjects such a mathematics. This was because of reading increases the skill about acquiring and processing information. The results were more visible among children who were from 10 to 16 years of age.
International studies also proved that the elderly people who often read and carry out mental exercises have a lesser chance to develop the Alzheimer disease, taking into account that an active brain improves its functions and the answer quickness.
Reading provides other important benefits that include improving the spelling, taking advantage of the free time and forgetting worries as well as providing a higher knowledge about the mother tongue.
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